This is My "Real" Blog: I Got Me One of Them There Award Thingies!

Angie's Blog!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I Got Me One of Them There Award Thingies!

Yep - it's true! My girl "Tiger Lamb Girl" gave me this award, and I love it.

Who would I share it with? Oh, just about everyone whose blog titles you see on the right hand column. It amazes me that, in two years of blogging, I have gone from five names to. . . well, you count them. (I can't. I'm in create post mode - and I can't see the front page!)

Nothing like a post that makes you work, eh?

I know what you're really wondering, so here it is. . . She's doing much better today. We went to the doctor (our pediatrician) for a follow-up. He said that she sounds some better. He did, however, give her a prescription for some medicine.

Oh did I not mention? It's the same medicine we tried giving her on Sunday! However, I now know that its effectiveness will be much higher now that the steroids have gotten the infection out of her system. This is a "cousin" to Albuterol (asthma meds) which helps open the constricted airways.

Mark said that she literally "sucked in" the mist this evening, when he gave her the breathing treatment. How's that? How cool.

I had an extremely productive day at work today. There's still quite a bit to do in order to be ready for Music Camp next week, but we made lots of positive steps today. I'm actually going to go in tomorrow (it and today were "supposed" to be non-working days for me). I think it will help me get a few steps ahead, because next week will be so consumed with camp.

Had a great band rehearsal tonight. Low attendance -- injuries, sickness, people working out of town (the usual). But, it was still good. Edison had football practice tonight. I still cannot believe he's playing Middle School football. Of course, this time next year, he'll be preparing for High School football, and I'm not sure my heart is ready for that one.

So, I'm off to get something out of the freezer for dinner tomorrow night, and then I'm off to bed. And, for those of you who know (and thereby torture) me. . . it's extremely early for me to consider going to be before midnight. But, to be honest, I'm tired.

It has been a long, stressful week. I need some rest -- and I'm bound and determined to get some. I have to admit, however, I have surprised myself. . . in the midst of all the sickness, turmoil, strange work hours, and all. . .I've cooked dinner nearly every night this week. That's pretty bizarre for me. I even grilled a couple of nights.

Tonight? Onion Roasted Chicken (Crock Pot) Want the recipe? It's super easy, and really delicious.

Take 4 -6 skin on chicken breasts (on the bone helps). Put them in the crock pot . . . top them with 1 can of cream of chicken soup. Do not dilute this. (you can use any type of soup -- including fat-free). Pour one (1) packet of dry onion soup mix (Beefy Onion works, too) over the soup/chicken. Take 1/2 c. water -- pour it down along the sides of the crock pot -- not rinsing the soup mix off of the soup.

Bake on low for 7-8 hours, or on high 4-5 hours.

When the chicken is done, strain the "gravy" through a strainer, bring it to a boil and thicken it with flour/water or cornstarch/water.

Serve with rice or mashed potatoes.

It's really tasty.

One last thing. . . Beth asked for a picture of the girl. Of course, this is pre-CROUP. We didn't take any hospital pics this time around. Here are a couple of pictures from Caroline's program last week at her Parent's Day Out.

Now, this next picture shows what happens when children realize that a live video feed of them singing is being broadcast behind their heads. Priceless.

Okay - - I've updated you. . . enriched your lives with stories of my craziness. . . and given you a recipe. . . shared not one, but TWO pictures of Caroline. . . and passed along an award I received to all my blog friends. I've fulfilled my "excellent blog post" quotient for another day, right?

Phew. That's a relief.


Blogger Steve said...


(what else could I say?)

1:35 AM  
Blogger 20Birds said...

i think we will be having that for supepr over here , sounds easy and good, and perfect for our weather today... i had wanted a croupy sicky photo but of course i lurve these

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to try that chicken recipe. It sounds wonderful.

9:23 AM  
Blogger That Chick Over There said...

I'm going to try that recipe too. Thanks!

12:38 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

That sounds like a recipe for me when I get home from the hospital with the new addition. I can throw it in the crock pot, and Barry will actually have a hot meal when he comes home from work. Glad Caroline is on the mend.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

Catching up - sorry that Caroline has been so ill but hope she's fully recovered soon. Your blog is lovely - so positive and inspiring.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Caroline is doing much better! YAY for the miracles of modern medicine and parental TLC!

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

28 (i counted) :o)

3:13 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

Glad to hear the Princess is better. Love the award pic. Have a restful weekend my friend.

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear C is on the mend.

And glad you liked your award;) totally deserve it!! xo

4:06 PM  

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