This is My "Real" Blog: Finding Time (and space) to Breathe

Angie's Blog!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Finding Time (and space) to Breathe

I really thought that Monday would signal the beginning of some much-needed rest. I was wrong.

Monday was full. . . I was asked to participate in a funeral for one of the sweetest men I've met in a long time. He lost a battle with Alzheimer's Disease after about 7 years. His wife and three daughters (along with their families) celebrated his life, love, and delightful sense of humor on Monday evening.

One of the special aspects of my job in Music Ministry is participating in funerals. I'm usually the first in tears, but playing the piano, and leading singing at funerals is a part of my ministry I cherish. Monday night was no exception. God is so amazing--and His grace being extended to grieving families through simple "clay pots" like me is something I cannot grasp. But, I'm grateful for those opportunities to serve.

Anyway. . .Monday was busy with the memorial service and then Tuesday was spent in orchestra and choir practices, and the last round of auditions for our Christmas Musical. Tuesdays are long days. There's no two ways around it.

Wednesday - staff meeting (2 hours) and further preparation for mid-week service and this Sunday's upcoming service and Church Anniversary celebration. (Chili-cook off and Bunko tournament) Are you seeing the pattern. . .?

It doesn't stop with preparing for church on Wednesday, however. We accidentally left the deep freeze open on Sunday, so the beautiful pork loin roast that had partially thawed had to be cooked or discarded. I made a pork roast and vegetables. YUM!

After Church, the gorgeous McIntosh apples which my in-laws sent from NY are starting to turn. Note: we're not yet into fall, so warm temperatures are rough on fresh produce.

So. . .two batches of Apple Crunch muffins were made around 10:30 last night. They also served as refreshments for the Down Syndrome Awareness Group board meeting this morning at 8:30.

That's right. . . two days - two meetings. Yesterday: 2 hours --- today: 3.

Caroline's naptime today was cut short by reasons known only to God. But, that brief, sacred hour was something I'd longed for all week. After she awoke, it was time to pick up Edison, go to the grocery store, return roasting pans from the Buddy Walk, and come home and make dinner. (Pork Fried Rice.......does it get better?!)

So now, it is Thursday evening--8:45 p.m., I finally feel the relief of a busy week slipping behind me. Do I have things to do? Of course.

I still need to:

Sent Buddy Walk thank you notes
Mail t-shirts to some very special people
Slice, preserve, and freeze those apples before they go bad
SCRAP some pictures (digital AND normal)
Read a book
Clean my bathrooms
Pluck my eyebrows

Oh, and I nearly forgot, I have to make potato salad for a staff get-together tomorrow night at my boss's house.

Really, when it's all said and done. . . I love my busy, crazy, non-stop life!

I just need to take time to stop and smell the roses. Wait, did I say ROSES?! Could this be a blatant segue to some pictures of the most beautiful girl in the world? Do I really need to answer that?

That's right, it's October, my dear friends, and my gerber daisies and miniature roses are in full bloom! I figured that I wouldn't get many more chances this fall to capture such beauty. . .the flowers, that is. Happy October!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a beauty she is indeed.... thanks angie doe brightening my day always... tears well up, I cant say enough how when you check in... it gets me over rough patches...

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what sweet pictures! Just added you to my blog so I remember to come and visit! And yum on the muffins...wish I lived closer! ;) Take time to enjoy the little things this week! ;)

10:39 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

Sensational blog - once again - you make me smile Angie - thank you! Great story.....(love the plucking eyebrows at end of "to do" list - hehehe! But best of all to finish it off with flowers and your girl - sensational - happy October to you my friend!

11:34 PM  
Blogger Cooksalot said...

Whew! What a week. Take a break girl! Love the photos of Caroline and the rose. I could almost smell it. heehee

8:18 PM  

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