Closing the Books
But, the people loved the kids singing. One of the residents is a member of our church, and the great-grandmother of four of the kids in the choir. She was especially proud. While one of her great's sang a solo, you could hear her behind me. .."That's one of mine. Isn't she good?"
Love that. I really do.
Caroline's not under the weather, but she's certainly not on top of it, either. But, I'm grateful. This time, last year. . .hospital and croup. This year. . . running away from us at church (to go see the babies in the nursery) and reading books with reckless abandon.
She was up last night from 9:30 until some unspecified time. Boy, was I glad we have "Charter On Demand." They have episodes of her favorite shows available, literally, at the touch of a button. We watched an episode of Dora the Explorer. That helped. Made me want to pull out my hair, but it calmed her down. You just gotta love that Dora chick!
Other than that, I'm off today. (My usual day off) The staff is taking our pastor out for lunch today. It's his last official day in the office. His retirement is in a couple weeks, and he has a handful of unused vacation days. He's taking advantage of them. Seems to me that I could do the same thing. . . and show back up sometime in February. But that's not going to happen.After lunch today, I hope to get a little Christmas shopping in. I could call it "last-minute," but I've been known to shop on the 23rd before. That's really last minute.
Edison's gift(s) to Mark should show up sometime in the next couple of days, and Caroline's big gift should be here by the first of the week. It is going to mean re-arranging her room, but it will be worth it.

And yes, I would post more about Edison's gift on here, but he reads my blog from time to time. Let's just say that he and one of Beth's (45) children will have something in common and leave it at that.
Well, I've got to leave for lunch in about an hour. Still lots to do, and somewhere in here, I'm supposed to squeeze in baking Christmas cookies, and making treats for teachers.
. . . OH, and the most exciting news of all?????? They say we might get snow showers on Sunday!!

I am sick!! This is the 2nd time I lost a comment on your site. I'm just going to have to call you.
Wonder why that's happening??
The 23rd? You don't know from last minute Christmas shopping. When I was in college, I once did almost all of my shopping after church on Christmas Eve. Now that's last minute shopping!
Hmmm, I thought that this pastor was the new one? Anyways...You don't know last minute. Try buying wrapping and delivering on Christmas eve. Now that is late. Matter of fact one year if was IOU's. Phil's work paid him on Christmas Eve and the bank didn't process the automatic transfers!@)^(*:( That and COOKIES! Thanks for the reminder! I have a cookie exchange tomorrow!!! If I can get Phil's car to run. Argh now I gots to go bake.
I am doing my baking on Saturday, and I have to get myself worked up for that, my sister and I usually bake all day, by the time the last cookie sheet is washed I am ready to collapse.
Exciting to have snow???? Really??? Now Angie that dolls house is adorable! Katie and I are very jealous! Can't wait to see photos of her playing with it.
Re: the leaving minister - it's the end of an era. And all that entails.
Re: Caroline's gift - wow! I want one! And a super new computer where I can model it in 3D!!
Re: show showers - we're looking at 3-6 inches of snow by Sunday morning. I'll trade ya.
I know, right? Snow! And yesterday it was what, 74? What the crap?
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