This is My "Real" Blog: I Gave Up George Clooney for This. . . .

Angie's Blog!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I Gave Up George Clooney for This. . . .

I admit it. George Clooney is one of my favorite actors. He and my buddy Vincent D'Onofrio have that . . .I don't know what you call it. . . that makes me sit up a little bit straighter when I'm watching TV. (like they could see me or something)

Anyway, I'm home this morning. No work. No kids. No lights are on, as I type. It's cloudy and threatening rain this morning. I say "Bring it on!" But that has nothing to do with George.

George made an appearance on "Regis and Kelly" this morning. "Kelly" was not there today -- and for some reason, Regis opted for his wife to fill in. I was available. I could have sat there -- talking to George. But no. . . . he chose his wife.

. . . who, by the way, was just as excited to be interviewing George as I would have been. It was kind of funny to see her being so star-struck. . .and he wasn't on stage yet.

So what did I do?

  • Made a bagel
  • Opened a Diet Coke
  • Came over to the computer
  • Put the TV onto a news station
  • Read blogs, and blogged

I gave up George Clooney for you.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Yes, you do mean that much to me.

Now, I'm off to throw some laundry in the washer, get out my ironing board, and do some sewing. That's right. . .I said sewing. Because both of my children are occupied, and my work is done, I am going to do something I love more than just about anything.

. . .and that includes watching George Clooney on TV. Happy Thursday!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm honored and blessed!
Have a great day "off"

Enjoying my tea, even though it's a rainy dreary day.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too feel very honored. I could have joined you with the bagel and diet coke this morning. Yum!!!
I'm trying to get some smocking done, but I just can't seem to get motivated.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Me said...

Well we finally have sunny skies here and should reach 45 degrees. George Clooney was in Duluth last Monday; if I had known how much you like him I would have gone to see him for you and gotten pictures and an autograph. It was by invite only but I know a few people!! LOL!

Hope you have a blessed day!

12:15 PM  
Blogger Jules said... are a good person. I would have tivoed George and watch him over and over until there was a puddle of drool. Thanks for being the better woman :).

3:13 PM  
Blogger 20Birds said...

i want a bagel, more than george clooney

5:33 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Oh, George CLOONEY. I thought you were talking about another George whose last name ends in EY, and I was getting all weirded out. I'm better now.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Georgey Porgey?
George of the Jungley?
George Jetsoney?
Gorgeous Georgey?

8:21 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Dan, you're either off your meds, or onto some real good ones. Whichever way, I want some.

Off-topic (maybe): Have you ever read "The man who mistook his wife for a hat", regarding brain misfunctions? Very interesting, seriously.

11:18 PM  
Blogger 20Birds said...

not a layout but i did leave the little one a gift of sorts on the blog

3:28 PM  
Blogger That Chick Over There said...

George doesn't do a thing for me, but Vincent? Oh. My.

9:46 AM  

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