This is My "Real" Blog: You Would NEVER Know. . . .

Angie's Blog!

Friday, April 03, 2009

You Would NEVER Know. . . .

By the looks of things at our house right now, you would never know that Caroline is sick. She has some form of bronchitis. She was up half the night -- coughing and "snotting" on me. But, after going back to sleep around 3:15 a.m., she made it through the rest of the night until about 6:45.

As I attempt to type, she has a "tea party" going in the living room. I even brought her table & chairs from the sun room into the living room, because the sun room is chilly (no heat or a/c out there). She has a "dress up" scene going here in the office -- all her dress up clothes are either in a pile, or smothering Raggedy Ann. She's playing a piano concerto at the piano (also here in the office). And, I believe that she's got her Little People house and Airplane out in her room. . . probably with a camel from the Bethlehem scene flying the plane. Because, at our house, ANYone can fly the airplane. (even Baby Jesus)

There's laundry to do. . . dishes to put away. . .a bathroom to clean. . . and an entire house's worth of carpet to vacuum. But now, I'm enjoying some "peaceful, easy feeling" kind of time. I came up with an idea for a craft project for Easter -- and while I attempt to get her to take a nap, I may try to make a few and see how they turn out.

Oh. . . and while all this is happening on the homefront, Edison is climbing Mt. LeConte with the 8th graders from his school. And, although he's been looking forward to this for a long time, I am anxiously awaiting his arrival home. He took his new CamelBack backpack -- complete with the "bladder" to hold water.

This is a new side to Edison that I'm enjoying watching emerge. His rugged, outdoorsman side. He is going on a 3-day intensive hike in a couple weeks with some of the kids from church, and our youth minister. It will be his first backpacking/camping trip -- and I know it will be a great experience for him. It's just his momma that has to get used to these kinds of things.

I sent along a disposable camera today -- with the intention of him taking pictures of the hike, and his friends. Lest you get too excited, may I remind you--he's 14. God himself only knows what kinds of pictures will be developed after he gets home.

I do promise, however, to share any that are valuable!

Well, I probably need to try and get "little stuff" down for some kind of nap. I have no idea whether or not she'll comply and sleep. . .but one can dream, right?

Have a wonderful Friday -- and enjoy this first weekend of Holy Week. Our choir and orchestra are performing two selections on Sunday. Practice last night went very, very well. . .so I'm anticipating good things on Sunday morning.

I will do my best to check in throughout the weekend!!


Blogger Rock 'n Roll Momma© said...

i would much rather fly in a plane flown by Jesus at any age than the camel...hehe!

i hiked HALF of LeConte last winter with mark and sarah and it kicked our rears. halfway was as far as we could handle, but i felt impressed that i could make it that far! at least edison's got a little bit more youth on his side, but i bet ya he'll be sore tomorrow! that's cool that he enjoys outdoorsy stuff...i love it and i hope my kids take after me!

3:14 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Oh, Edison's pictures will be valuable. One way or another. The big question is whether they will be sharable.

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Nana said...

Sounds like you and Caroline are having my kind of day!! Although I do remember the mountain hikes also.

8:29 PM  
Blogger 20Birds said...

when katherine left for chicago i said photos i want photos of you.... for a trip this expensive i expect photos... hmmm we'll see... i tend to get back lots of photos of goofy faces, what they call "lottery photos" the "guess you had to be there" kind of photos

9:07 AM  

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