This is My "Real" Blog: Up. . .UP in a day. . . .

Angie's Blog!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Up. . .UP in a day. . . .

That's right. It's 24 hours away from the dollar theaters, and we're finally going to see the movie "UP" on Sunday afternoon. At least, that's the plan, unless they take it to the cheapie theaters on Saturday evening.

It's gonna be one of those wonderful, jam-packed, crazy weekends. But, I'm actually looking forward to it.

Tomorrow, we're going to do some Buddy Walk errands in the morning, and then have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants in Knoxville. We haven't been there in AGES. Litton's has -- in many peoples' opinions -- the best hamburgers in Knoxville. Their buns are heavenly. (leave it. . .) The burgers are wonderful -- and the smoked cheddar, bacon, and grilled onions?

Honey, that's just the "gravy" as some would say. Oh. . .and the fries? Hand cut -- and cooked to french fry perfection.

Again. . .watch, they'll be closed for inventory, or something. Sigh.

After that, we're coming home. Edison and I are going to bake Monster Cookies. They're the "bomb diggity" as my friend, Caitlin, would say. Seriously. They're really good. And tomorrow, I'm going to try and add some Reese's peanut butter chips to the regular M & Ms and chocolate chips. We'll see, but I'm predicting a successful addition!

Then, tomorrow night -- assuming we're all still in a coma from the burgers, we'll probably have a very "light" dinner. I'm aiming for an early bedtime. . .in hopes of a good night's sleep.

Sunday -- well, it's Sunday. Church -- two services, no waiting! :) We're doing a newer song (to us, at least) and I'm looking forward to that. I posted a video of it a few weeks ago. Here. Everyone seems to enjoy that song -- not sure what the "older set" thinks. But, I'm not sure what some of them think most of the time -- and if I'm honest, I'd just soon not have my ego torn to shreds.

After church, there's New Members Luncheon -- pizza, salad, and dessert (some of the Monster cookies, actually). It will give us a chance to meet some of the new members to the church in the last three months. These are always fun -- for the most part, fellowship *is* always fun. But there are times. . . .

Then, after lunch, Caroline is going to Grandma & Grandpa's house to go swimming -- don't get excited, it's an inflatable pool -- and we're going to the movies.

After the movies, Edison and a friend (a guy -- don't get excited) are going to a Movie Night and impromptu lock-in at the church. How many movies can a kid take in one day/night? I guess we'll find out on Sunday. We're supposed to pick him up on Monday morning at 8.

Which is where my week begins anew. I can't believe I failed to mention that on Sunday night, while Edison, Luke, and a host of teenagers are enjoying "Prince Caspian" and all the pizza they can eat -- ugh -- Mark and I will be watching not one, but TWO -- NEW -- episodes of "Law & Order: CI" and then a new episode of "In Plain Sight." This is probably the most exciting part of our weekend. . . .next to the burgers, of course.

And then Monday. It's just another manic Monday. It's just another MICHAEL MONDAY!!! That's right -- the day will finally arrive, and you'll be liberated from my posts about my PCB (Pretend Celebrity Boyfriend).

I couldn't let another minute go by without reminding you what he looks like. (heh, heh)

And I couldn't live with myself if I didn't give you a chance to listen to him, too.

Side note: It's kinda comforting to see the audience sitting down during this performance.) I'm assuming it has something to do with the median age. . . I'm just saying.

Okay -- I'm done with teasing you with Michael. I'm finished with food descriptions. I have tired of predictions of movies and merriment. It's 10:51 on Friday night. I have Beth Moore homework to complete, and I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow.

. . .which brings us full-circle, and nudges me to say, "Goodnight!"


Blogger Hilah said...

Love this's so you.

1:44 AM  
Blogger Shelly Wildman said...

You are so funny! And you are going to love "Up"! It is so sweet and the soundtrack is wonderful. My one musical child even downloaded it to her iPod.

Have fun!

8:59 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Dollar theater already? That's moving down towards our price range (free from the library).


11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun with your boyfriend rendezvous!

Litton's burgers? I'm a sucker for a great burger. Burgers are, as you say, boom diggity!

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Christy said...

Girl - you are SO BUSY! I hope the Michael concert was awesome - I know you've been looking forward to it!
BTW – I gave you a blog award over on mine:

10:47 PM  

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