This is My "Real" Blog: Beans, Bunco, and the Blues

Angie's Blog!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Beans, Bunco, and the Blues

One of my favorite Elton John songs is, "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues." I don't know why. Maybe it's the chord progressions in the verse. I'm kind of an "R & B fused with gospel" girl.

Come to think of it, there are many others of his songs that I love. But, that's an entirely different blog entry. (note to self: when there's nothing else to blog about, list my favorite 25 songs)

Our church celebrated its 32nd anniversary this afternoon. It was not your typical, run-of-the-mill anniversary celebration, though. Of course, you couldn't call our church "run-of-the-mill" ever

This year, we decided to host a chili cook-off--hence, the beans. We also had a Bunco tournament. I was in charge of the chili part, and our children's minister ran the Bunco tables. (sounds like something you'd hear in an old B/W gangster movie, but I digress)

Wow! Bunco is flat-out fun! Of course, I wound up at the winning table, so of course I'd think that! But, it was a fun for just about eveyrone. The chili cookoff was a hit, too. I'm just glad they're behind us. And yes, I see the obvious pun with chili and "behind" but what's a girl to do?

Have I mentioned that Fall has arrived? Thought so. But, Caroline wore a wool jumper to church today. It was soooooo cute. Unfortunately, Mark and Edison changed her clothes before I could take a picture in her church clothes. The jumper is red and black - very classy - and she looks so much older in it. Scares me, actually.

I want to leave you with a new digi-layout that my wonderful friend, Melany did of Caroline. This was another one of the pictures I took last week, when it was sunny. Our rocking chairs on the porch aren't as old as they look. We've had them since we moved here - so they're really only about 10 years old. But between the aged chairs, the bricks, and her blue dress, it's the perfect combination.

Which brings me back to the "blues" and that song that's annoyingly playing through my head as I type. If the blues were as wonderful as this layout, it'd be a blessing to have the blues now, wouldn't it?

Thanks, Melany! You rock!!!

I'm sorry if' you're stuck humming "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues." How about a different song. Say, "Momma Can't Buy You Love?" (it's another personal favorite!)


Blogger Helen said...

I thought I was the only person to make mental notes to "oneself" - love it - LOL. Love the LO - rocking chairs on the porch....are we in Tennesse or what! So cool! Love the photo - awesome clarity and colour Angie and wonderful LO Melly. Hey and me are on a winning ticket I reckon! What a friend! And finally "Momma Can't Buy You Love?" - another blog entry one day? Hugs Angie!

2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

angie, i love that song... i did a layout for mary's graduation with the song, loves me like a mama loves me like the rock of ages

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooops here is the link for the layout

4:41 PM  
Blogger Cooksalot said...

Yeah! You knew we would be humming the song at the end of this didn't you? LOL!
By the way how do you play Bunco? I have never played it before and have no idea what is involved.

3:17 AM  

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