This is My "Real" Blog: New You. . .and a few new layouts

Angie's Blog!

Monday, January 08, 2007

New You. . .and a few new layouts

What could be better than setting out "resolves" for the new year? Well, that would be creating a digital layout of yourself, and your list of resolves, and then posting them on the internet for literally thousands, nay, MILLIONS of people to see!

But that's what I just did. Based on the blog entry of a couple days ago, and a challenge issued by my friend Jamie, I posted the following layout at various digital scrapbooking sites. And bear in mind, I loathe "self" layouts. This will be rare, I guarantee.

What I'd much rather do is continue my quest of documenting the lives of my children, and our family. Layouts like this:

I call this one "Reluctant Chef" because she was bound and determined to take the hat off the minute we put it on her. But, you have to admit--she sure looks cute in it!

Book update: I am nearly done with a book entitled "Plain Truth." Set in Amish Country, kind of morbid. But, enjoyable, nonetheless. I've decided to document books that I've read here--because, well, that's what a good blogger does.

Happy Monday, everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caroline looks SO adorable in that hat! Even if she didn't keep it on... at least you got a picture! :) Love that layout too! LOL Longer arms and a smaller hat!

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Angie...another ace blog. Good on you for rising to the challenge and documenting it for all to see :) It's a great LO and you look so cute! Nice one! Almost as cute as your princess the chef! My little one is beside me now cooking up a storm in her play kitchen so Caroline will love it! My resolution this year was to read more also so I will look forward to seeing what books take your fancy. Have a good one my friend ~ Helen

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when jeeni was small, about 5, we threw a chef's party... a party favor was a homemade cookbook, with the recipes made at the party... she still lvoes cooking today

1:14 PM  
Blogger Mellykat said...

I'm along for the resolution ride with you, my friend!

Let's see how we like the "new" us in a few months! heehee

Love Melly :)

P.S. Looooooooove the layouts - nice to see you in one for once, and that pic of Caroline makes me giggle every time I look at it!

1:19 PM  

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