This is My "Real" Blog: I Moved and Spoke Way Too Soon!

Angie's Blog!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I Moved and Spoke Way Too Soon!

Yesterday was a day that nearly did me in.

I had an appointment at the doctor's office--just to make sure things were okay. That went fine. . .and quite quickly. I only had to climb a few steps, but that seemed to be managable.

Then. . .I had to stop at Walgreen's for some "maintenance" supplies. After walking through the store, and nearly being clobbered by some chick with three pool noodles (I'm serious) I was out the door. I needed to stop by the church for a reimbursement check. It was a big check, so I felt like it was a worthy trip.

By the time I got home, I was tired, but not exhausted. Edison and I made dinner. Poppy Seed Chicken, Rice, and Broccoli. Easy, and Edison did all the lifting.

After supper it hit me. I had done too much. I spent the rest of the evening on the couch. It wasn't too bad--I crocheted a little, did a few sudoku puzzles, and watched some pretty funny TV.

Then bedtime rolled around. Mark asked me if I was going to sleep on the couch again. I smiled and said, "Oh, it's allright. I'm not afraid to sleep with you."


Even with the Tylenol PM that I took before going to bed, I wasn't able to sleep on my unforgiving mattress. Bless Mark's heart. Just after he fell asleep, I realized it was pointless.

While I went to the bathroom, Mark relocated me back to the couch. It was much more comfortable, but for some reason, it took me over an additional hour to fall asleep.

I did eventually get some sleep, but I could've used a few more hours. One of these days, I'll learn not to push it too much, and I'll also learn to think before I speak.

If I could bend at the waist, I'd say that my foot was planted in my mouth, but right now, that's not humanly possible.

Happy Tuesday!


Blogger Helen said...

OH careful! Don't do too much too soon. Remember the comfort of your four walls or comfy sofa....stay there please until you are fully recovered! Take care!

6:23 PM  
Blogger 20Birds said...

even in pain, you are witty and entertaining, happy fourth my dear.... i will be thinking of you

7:56 AM  

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