This is My "Real" Blog: While It's Still Called Today. . . .

Angie's Blog!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

While It's Still Called Today. . . .

. . .although, for my friends Helen and Kate, it's already tomorrow. Pish posh!

Today (at least for the next 10 minutes) is my father-in-law's birthday. It is also my sister-in-law's birthday.

I've often wondered if that was a "cool" coincidence when they learned that Steve's girlfriend (at the time) had the same birthday as Mark's dad.

Regardless. . . they share the day. It's today. . . well, uh, for now.


Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Bettie & George........
Happy Birthday to you (both!)

Wish we could have been there - at either place - to munch cake & ice cream with you. But, we'll just have to celebrate when you're here in November!

Phew -- only 8 more minutes until Wednesday!



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