I Agreed to Do This. . . .
One of my favorite blogs to read belongs to "That Chick Over There." She's funny, irreverent, and has a brilliant way with words.
One note of caution: do not read her blog while drinking things. Computer monitors and Diet Coke do not mix well. I'm speaking from experience, here.
Okay. . .anyway, her challenge was to "Whore Your Loot" after Christmas. I'm not a big fan of the word "whore," but in the spirit of all things holiday-ish, and to keep me from working on the scrapbook which had me up until 2:30 this morning. . .I'm going for it! Basically, you're supposed to name off your presents. Kinda fun. . .so here goes:
From my lovely son, I received not just one, but two cookbooks. Edison got me Rachael Ray's newest cookbook which includes 15-, 30-, and 60-minute meals. He also got me Paula Deen's "Lady & Son's Desserts" cookbook. The best part of that? The picture of her son, Jamie, on the cover. Yum. (sorry)
My friend, Beth, sent me a beautiful video (link is here) set to the song, "Finer Things." I got it on Christmas Eve, and bawled like the proverbial baby while watching it. Look for the link for "Finer Things in Life" and give it a click.
Mom & Dad got me a black onyx necklace. It is gorgeous. The gold chain is super fine, so I worry wearing it while holding Caroline--but I braved it on Christmas Day, and wore it anyway.
Mark's Mom & Dad got us (mark & me) a new digital camera. It is the BOMB. We're having some trouble with the batteries right now. I used it for the leaf pictures a month ago -- and took over 200 pictures without even thinking about the batteries. Suddenly, it takes four pictures, and needs new ones. So, we've got to figure this out. But, the camera is awesome.
Steve & Bettie (Mark's bro & SIL) have given me a very special gift that I haven't used, yet. They gave me a web certificate for printing a book. That's right, my friends, I get to write a book. I can use blog content, or come up with something else. How cool is that?
My Aunt & Uncle got me two new tablecloths for my new kitchen table -- including 8 napkins, and napkin rings for all the napkins. Way cool. We're having company over next Friday night, so I'll be using the table cloth. We're having pizza, so I don't anticipate using napkin rings. . . .but I have them! : )
My cousin and her hubby gave me a gift card for Bath & Body works. (Chick, I'm partial to the white cherry blossom scent, but I like Sweet Pea, too)
Mark did real good this year. I had asked for an MP3 player. He got me an 8G video MP3 player. I don't know how to use it fully, yet. But on Christmas night, while laying on the couch, I was able to listen to the Eagles' new album (which rocks, by the way) and some Steely Dan. Great gift.
Mark also got me a hand-held massager, a new CM scrapbook and SB paper, two new pairs of PJs, and CDs (Jackson Browne & Bread). Can you tell we're Baby Boomers?
Because of my work, I also get some "gifts" from church members. Most come in the form of gift cards, but I also receive other "traditional" gifts. This year, I received:
a Carrabba's gift card (yum)
an Aubrey's gift card (double yum)
a couple Christman ornaments
a Willow figurine
a collection of candles & hot cocoa
an Olive Garden gift card (wowza)
And then yesterday, on Boxing Day, we received a box from our buddies Beth & family up in Canada. In this precious box was a pair of "moose" socks for Caroline. . . adorable. She also sent two USA/CANADA magnets (already on the fridge). But the gift that made the most impact was the slingshot she sent for Edison. That received an "Oh yeah!" when it was opened. Thanks, Beth!!!
I can't leave this post open-ended like this. Because in my heart, I believe it is better to give than receive. So, I'm going to run down a quick list of the things we gave this year. I'm more excited about them, than I am about what I received.
As I posted yesterday, Edison received a bass guitar. We also gave him some PJ pants, new socks, and a new fleece jacket with his school embroidered on it.
Caroline had a little girl's fantasy Christmas! She loves her dollhouse. She also received a new doll, some new Dora toys (lots of Dora toys) and a new game called Tic-Tac-Tony. Kind of a Connect Four - in the shape of a dog.
Mark received a new shirt or two. He also was the recipient of a new power drill (thanks, Mom & Dad) and a leaf-blower. I did good. Of course, he took it as a subtle hint to clean up the yard. My real intent was to make life easier.
Both my parents and Mark's parents were given a quilt like the one I made for myself earlier in the year. I also printed out my digital scrapbook layouts in an 8x8 format for them. Both gifts were very special--because I worked so hard on them, and they truly reflected my desire to be "crafty." So, I'm glad they liked them. We also gave both sets of parents an 8x10 of our family from the church directory photo shoot this summer.
It was a great Christmas. Lots of love. That's the best part, right?
One note of caution: do not read her blog while drinking things. Computer monitors and Diet Coke do not mix well. I'm speaking from experience, here.
Okay. . .anyway, her challenge was to "Whore Your Loot" after Christmas. I'm not a big fan of the word "whore," but in the spirit of all things holiday-ish, and to keep me from working on the scrapbook which had me up until 2:30 this morning. . .I'm going for it! Basically, you're supposed to name off your presents. Kinda fun. . .so here goes:
From my lovely son, I received not just one, but two cookbooks. Edison got me Rachael Ray's newest cookbook which includes 15-, 30-, and 60-minute meals. He also got me Paula Deen's "Lady & Son's Desserts" cookbook. The best part of that? The picture of her son, Jamie, on the cover. Yum. (sorry)
My friend, Beth, sent me a beautiful video (link is here) set to the song, "Finer Things." I got it on Christmas Eve, and bawled like the proverbial baby while watching it. Look for the link for "Finer Things in Life" and give it a click.
Mom & Dad got me a black onyx necklace. It is gorgeous. The gold chain is super fine, so I worry wearing it while holding Caroline--but I braved it on Christmas Day, and wore it anyway.
Mark's Mom & Dad got us (mark & me) a new digital camera. It is the BOMB. We're having some trouble with the batteries right now. I used it for the leaf pictures a month ago -- and took over 200 pictures without even thinking about the batteries. Suddenly, it takes four pictures, and needs new ones. So, we've got to figure this out. But, the camera is awesome.
Steve & Bettie (Mark's bro & SIL) have given me a very special gift that I haven't used, yet. They gave me a web certificate for printing a book. That's right, my friends, I get to write a book. I can use blog content, or come up with something else. How cool is that?
My Aunt & Uncle got me two new tablecloths for my new kitchen table -- including 8 napkins, and napkin rings for all the napkins. Way cool. We're having company over next Friday night, so I'll be using the table cloth. We're having pizza, so I don't anticipate using napkin rings. . . .but I have them! : )
My cousin and her hubby gave me a gift card for Bath & Body works. (Chick, I'm partial to the white cherry blossom scent, but I like Sweet Pea, too)
Mark did real good this year. I had asked for an MP3 player. He got me an 8G video MP3 player. I don't know how to use it fully, yet. But on Christmas night, while laying on the couch, I was able to listen to the Eagles' new album (which rocks, by the way) and some Steely Dan. Great gift.
Mark also got me a hand-held massager, a new CM scrapbook and SB paper, two new pairs of PJs, and CDs (Jackson Browne & Bread). Can you tell we're Baby Boomers?
Because of my work, I also get some "gifts" from church members. Most come in the form of gift cards, but I also receive other "traditional" gifts. This year, I received:
a Carrabba's gift card (yum)
an Aubrey's gift card (double yum)
a couple Christman ornaments
a Willow figurine
a collection of candles & hot cocoa
an Olive Garden gift card (wowza)
And then yesterday, on Boxing Day, we received a box from our buddies Beth & family up in Canada. In this precious box was a pair of "moose" socks for Caroline. . . adorable. She also sent two USA/CANADA magnets (already on the fridge). But the gift that made the most impact was the slingshot she sent for Edison. That received an "Oh yeah!" when it was opened. Thanks, Beth!!!
I can't leave this post open-ended like this. Because in my heart, I believe it is better to give than receive. So, I'm going to run down a quick list of the things we gave this year. I'm more excited about them, than I am about what I received.
As I posted yesterday, Edison received a bass guitar. We also gave him some PJ pants, new socks, and a new fleece jacket with his school embroidered on it.
Caroline had a little girl's fantasy Christmas! She loves her dollhouse. She also received a new doll, some new Dora toys (lots of Dora toys) and a new game called Tic-Tac-Tony. Kind of a Connect Four - in the shape of a dog.
Mark received a new shirt or two. He also was the recipient of a new power drill (thanks, Mom & Dad) and a leaf-blower. I did good. Of course, he took it as a subtle hint to clean up the yard. My real intent was to make life easier.
Both my parents and Mark's parents were given a quilt like the one I made for myself earlier in the year. I also printed out my digital scrapbook layouts in an 8x8 format for them. Both gifts were very special--because I worked so hard on them, and they truly reflected my desire to be "crafty." So, I'm glad they liked them. We also gave both sets of parents an 8x10 of our family from the church directory photo shoot this summer.
It was a great Christmas. Lots of love. That's the best part, right?

Glad you haven't forgotten about that. We haven't.
You can't escape!!
Sounds like you scored well this year.
What kind of batteries are you using in the camera?
Whore your loot?? Strange expression!! And you did well in the 'loot' department!
I got an ipod nano and a new camera. Both of which I am still trying to fiqure out. I've got the ipod actually working well as of this morning, and the camera is such an upgrade that I am making very small baby steps with it. Oh, well... this shall pass. I downloaded all my favorite contemporary Christian music on the ipod and have been dancing around the house.
It's snowing hard right now. Very pretty as long as one doesn't have to leave the house.
This is my first day back to Blogging and it feels so good. The girls didn't leave until this morning so now I'm raring to go again!! It's so nice to have the house all clean and organized... I'm feeling more empowered.
What to make first?? I need to get to the store to buy white cotton yarn and start knitting bandages for lepers in Africa. They have to be completed by January 25th and that time will go fast. So... I guess that's where I'll start. See.... answered my own question.
I'm glad you all had a wonderful Christmas. Post some photos of Caroline with her dollhouseand Edison with his slingshot.
Hugs from my heart,
I thought I already commented on this. GAH.
Anyway, what I meant to say was: YAY!!!
Also? If I get published and there is even the smallest potential you might see it? I'm so telling you my real name.
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