This is My "Real" Blog: "No, Mommy. The Sun is up!"

Angie's Blog!

Monday, November 09, 2009

"No, Mommy. The Sun is up!"

That's Caroline's new reasoning for why she won't take a nap -- even when she's falling asleep sitting up. She can't sleep. The sun is up.

Some days, for me, that's all the reason I need.

I know I've been away for far too long, and I apologize. It's been a normal (insane) couple of weeks for our family -- including my dad undergoing surgery yesterday morning. He's doing fine -- should be coming home on Tuesday -- but, still.

I will try to post some Halloween pictures tonight. That's right -- I said I'd blog twice in one day. Kinda scary for me, but I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, enjoy the sunlight--and remember that it's the reason that you're awake!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop the presses - she's back!!!!!


12:02 AM  

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