This is My "Real" Blog: To Bake or Not to Bake. . . .

Angie's Blog!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

To Bake or Not to Bake. . . .

this year, that is the question.

I'm not opposed to holiday baking, per se. In fact, I quite enjoy it. I'm just afraid that I'll do a mammoth amount of baking, and then the treats won't go any further than my living room.

Not a good plan.

If I do bake - and I'm sure I will bake something this season.. . . (For heaven's sake, we need something to set out for Santa Claus!) it will most likely be a reduced list from previous years.

Here's what I've done in the past:

Molasses Cookies
Sugar Cookies (cut out - and drop)
Gingerbread Men
Coconut Bonbons (these are amazing)
Austrian Chocolate Balls
Candy Cane Cookies
Peanut Butter Fudge
Microwave Peanut Brittle

There are lots of things I've made in the past . . . .but this year, I really don't want to bake a ton of cookies - unless they're going out the door to someone else.

I'll work on this. Maybe I can send a tray to Mark's work. I don't want to bring a tray to my work -- it's a church, and lots of people end up bringing us stuff. We don't need it.

I don't know. . . I have to think about this for a while.

Results of my thinking to follow. . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's the act of baking that you enjoy, why not send the cookies to a children's center? Or bake them and immediately put them into tins/boxes.

But then, my hubby can always use some cookies (wink)

5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coconut bon bons? Do share...

5:54 AM  
Blogger Mark Aubrey said...

Make fruitcake.

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you end up with wretched excess, I'm willing to "help" you out.

And isn't it more blessed to give than to receive? See - I'm helping you spiritually, too!


8:46 AM  
Blogger Kathy said...

I baked 8 1/2 dozen yesterday. All but 5 cookies went out the door to Barry's work. I enjoyed the baking and someone else gets to eat them.

3:53 PM  

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