This is My "Real" Blog: The Tables are Set

Angie's Blog!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Tables are Set

That's right. In T-minus 4 hours, our event for the Down Syndrome Awareness Group (DSAG) will be in full swing! Caroline and I spent the late morning with Angie Morin (group president) and her precious Lydia, getting things ready. Caroline was very clingy this morning. I don't know if it's the weather (cold, drizzly) or the new environment. But, she cried, pouted, and clung to me like a wet shirt. Nothing like trying to set chairs around tables when you have a 24 lb child clinging to you for dear life!

Thank God for Peanut Butter and Jelly. They saved the day. Once she got in a highchair, where she could see me while she ate, she was fine. She even smiled a time or two.

So, it should be a good time for everyone. We are hoping that the "bad" weather doesn't keep everyone away. As I've written before, weather like this tends to make our friends and neighbors in the South a little nervous. They'll be buying milk, eggs, chili, Pepsi, and milk by the cart-full before too long.

Edison's science fair project is done - all except for the display, which isn't due until February 6th. The report was written over the last 3-4 nights. He even had to miss church last night to get it done. It's due tomorrow. But with tonight's dinner, there's no telling what time we'll actually get home. He wasn't pleased about missing church, but sometimes school work has got to take priority. Thankfully, that doesn't happen very often.

As we drove to and from the church that's hosting our event tonight, Caroline and I listened to a CD in the van. Surrender, the ladies quartet that I sing with at church, has been singing a few of the songs from this CD. It's called, "Believe" and it was recorded by worship leader Jason Breland. Totally cool CD. Caroline especially likes the opening song, "Make it Glorious." I thought, as I close today, that I'd share these words with you. Very fun music - it's got a great beat - you can really dance to it!

Make It Glorious
by Tommy Walker
Make it glorious - make it wonderful
The praises of our King
Make it passionate - given from our hearts
Sing praises to our King
Make it excellent - make it beautiful
The praises of our King
Let Him hear how much we really thank Him
Sing praises to our King
Shout with joy to our God
All the earth give glory to His name
He deserves nothing less
Than our hearts and souls; our very best

There's your challenge for the day - make it glorious!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyway, friend that you could send that song, the musical file i mean??? *she pouts a bit* please ,,, the words really move me and i have never heard it before

4:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOhhh - challenges now! Well I had a glorious weekend...seems all is well with you too my friend, that is good to see - take care ~ Helen

9:45 PM  

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