This is My "Real" Blog: Her Days are Numbered

Angie's Blog!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Her Days are Numbered


I visited the surgeon today. Not the friendliest man in the world. . .but, he *is* a surgeon. When his scheduling nurse calls me (I assume tomorrow) I will know the date of said surgery. Other than his cactus-like personality, it was a perfectly fine doctor visit. I wasn't looking for a new best friend!

In other news. . . .

We had visitors this morning. "Mr. Ed," as we have begun to call the large blonde horse that lives on the farm behind our house, was joined by at least 8 baby calves, two mules, two bulls (horns & all) and a few more cows. Our bovine and equine visitors made quite a scene in the back yard. When I took Caroline out to see the baby cows, she started squealing, "Baby Cows! Baby Cows!" Guess who went away?

That's right. All the baby cows. Oh well, it was fun for that few minutes.

Peace out. It's a great summer night, and after a church cookout tonight, I'm beat!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

grateful and feeling blessed by your news of earlier... hey when is Christy suppsoed to be at Melany's...lets crash
seriously i am postively estatic

10:33 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

Wishing lots of good energy from downunder!

11:38 PM  
Blogger Jules said...

"cactus-like personality" snort, that is FUNNY, Angie!

Glad the days are numbered.
Glad Caroline is powerful enough to send the cows a-running!

9:18 AM  

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