This is My "Real" Blog: A Newsworthy Day - **UPDATED**

Angie's Blog!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A Newsworthy Day - **UPDATED**

. . . well, to a blogger, every day is newsworthy, right? Whatever.

Long day. Busy day. Productive day.

. . .and to top it off, Caroline will be on the 11 o'clock news tonight.

During our Buddy Walk planning meeting, we got a call that a reporter and cameraman from one of our local stations (WATE - Channel 6) was interested in talking to some parents of children with Down syndrome. Specifically, they wanted our reaction to the nomination of Sarah Palin.

I know. . .shocking, isn't it?

At first, they thought *I* should be interviewed. The more we talked, and the more animated (frantic) I appeared, they got someone else to be on camera. I was fine with that.

I may be in the "extra" footage (of our meeting). . .and Caroline will definitely be in the piece -- going down the BIG slide at church. But other than that, I'm staying off camera. . .thank you very much.

If the website puts a link to the story, I'll post it here. Otherwise, we might "youtube" it for posterity (and blogging) sake.

Love and peace to you all. Have to go make potato salad.

Yes, I *am* living a charmed life. Why did you need to ask?!?!

Updated to add: We survived the news story. Caroline *was* in the closing shot -- coming down the slide at church. I am so proud of her...but I'm also proud of my friends Tina and Kelly who did an awesome job putting into words what our hopes and dreams are for our special kids. AND. . .they helped us convey the message that a Ds diagnosis is NOT the end of the world. In fact, we were able to tell Knoxville-at-large that it's a BLESSING!

I'm still watching for a possible link to the story online.


Blogger Steve said...

You're special. And I mean that in a good way.


10:46 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

I was wondering why there was a camera crew at the church last night. I wish I had known that the Princess would be on TV, since I was still up at that hour anyway. I hope there is a link to the story soon. The kids sure did look like they were having fun out on the playground.

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the clip.

8:44 AM  
Blogger 20Birds said...

maube there will be a video link let us know, and you can always do a short audio clip yourself you know *wink*

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right... DS is not the end... I have the bestest big brudder to prove it...


9:06 AM  

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