This is My "Real" Blog: Fr-Fr-Fr-Friday!!

Angie's Blog!

Friday, February 22, 2008


"PJs are the greatest invention of all time."

--Angie Aubrey

Okay. . .I admit it, that was probably an exaggeration of some sort. I mean, sliced bread has to factor in there somewhere. Which reminds me. . .I haven't baked bread in ages.

Oh well, it's not happening today.

Caroline and I are enjoying a much-needed day at home. It's gray, cloudy, and threatening to rain. I don't need to go out in weather like this. (But, we need milk)

I was able to accomplish some scrapbooking last night. 3 pages. . .but it finished a book. That's a huge accomplishment! So today, I get to begin the latest installment of our family albums. . . and yes, as a chronological scrapper, I'm still stuck in October of 2006--so I've got a long way to go.

Other than that, I have to get some paperwork ready for this retreat on Saturday (song sheets) and get ready for my big date tonight. I'm really looking forward to the movie. I can't remember the last time we were actually seated in a theater to see a movie. So, this one had better live up to my expectations!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. I have promised to take pictures of layouts. I will try to do that this afternoon while someone (shhhh!) is taking her nap. At least I PRAY she'll take a nap. And finally. . . . .

Happy Birthday -- to Beth's mom. If you get a chance, hop over to Beth's blog and wish her mom a happy birthday. She's an amazing woman (Beth's mom. . .although Beth is too) and she will be blessed by a birthday greeting!


Blogger Steve said...

"I'm a chronological scrapper"

Ya know, Angie, they have treatments for that sort of thing. But no, attending a scrapper's night out is not one of the twelve steps.

Dinner and a movie (and joining a princess in a nap) - those are definitely part of the program.


10:23 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

Hope you have a great "date" and look forward to the photos of LOs.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Rock 'n Roll Momma© said...

i feel better knowing that you're stuck in october '06 with your scrapping, because i've not yet begun to scrap our own pictures and that's precisely where i must begin. that's the month our lil' guy was born,'s all downhill from there! heck, i haven't even PRINTED the dang pictures yet. :-/

but at least i know i'm not the only one lagging behind!

8:24 PM  
Blogger That Chick Over There said...

Pajamas. And Diet Pepsi.

6:07 PM  

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