This is My "Real" Blog: Holy Shrimp Boil, Batman!!

Angie's Blog!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Holy Shrimp Boil, Batman!!

Okay, first of all. . . be very, very careful when using Pig Latin. Especially if you decide to pronounce the word GLASS! That's all I'm saying....

We had an awesome time tonight with Jules and her family. Jane & Stan had invited our whole family (Mom & Dad included) for a shrimp boil. If you have never experienced a Low Country Shrimp Boil. . .it's a thing of beauty.

New Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Smoked Sausage
Beer (or chicken broth)

Put 'em in a pot.
Boil 'em.
Eat 'em up.

Seriously good stuff. There's a bit of spice in the sauce -- and it permeates the food. But, oh my goodness, is it worth it!

We also enjoyed garlic bread, homemade cocktail sauce, Mark's favorite zucchini chocolate chip cake, and watermelon from Gibson County, Indiana. Gibson County is, by the way, the watermelon capital of the world. Be impressed.

When we got there, the kids were playing out back -- shooting at bubbles being generated from an oscilating fan -- with squirt guns.

Yep, it was hilarious. And fun.

We met Drew and Owen, the Brock grandsons. So charming. . .and so individual. Drew is a natural-born entertainer. Owen is a bit more reserved. . . but has the most beautiful blue eyes I've seen in a long time.

We eventually made it to dinner. . . ate like nobody's business. . . and then Edison begged for dessert. Of course, he took one bite, decided it was "bitter" and gave me his piece of cake. (It's a chocolate spice cake -- no bacon or tofu) His loss.

After dinner, we made our way to the back porch where Caroline and Drew decided to go for a "midnight" swim (9:00 p.m. is midnight in Caroline's world) Of course, the entire time they were swimming and splashing, Edison, Jane, and Grandma (mom) were squirting everyone else with water pistols.

We managed to eke out a few more pictures before the evening was over. And yes, I was trying to bring a conversation to a close involving broken glass and hypodermic needles (not Mark's favorite topics) and I shouted out, "Ix-nay on the Ass-glay."

Yeah, I was proud. I was humiliated. I laughed out loud. And, I knew I'd made an impression, when Edison leans over to me, and simply says: "Smooth, Mom."

My kid finds me funny. . . even if it is at my own expense.

Spouse update -- Mark is able to drive -- and be social. He was very well-behaved tonight, and only got "hit" once by Drew. He didn't know. . . he was being a 4-year old. Mark winced. Drew apologized. Mark survived.

It was still an AWESOME night, groin injuries notwithstanding. And yes, it was another chapter in the "Bloggin' Summer of '08!"

Julie and I talked a little about that tonight. It is still so amazing to me -- the relationships that have come into my life through blogging. I have met so many people -- IN PERSON -- this year that I did not know two years ago. And, through Facebook and blogging, I have reconnected with college friends that I truly cherished, but let slip away because of time and life changes.

Friendships. . . relationships. . .brother- and sisterhood. . . these things are so life-affirming! Cherish your friends. Nurture your relationships. Feed your friendships. You will be blessed. I promise.

Oh? You wanted to see pictures? Shucks. I kinda knew that!

The "bubble-water pistol" game. Edison was ducking from being shot.

Caroline's "Midnight Swim" in the pool.

Yeah. We're so proud.

These two have waited a while to meet each other.

Randy and Mark did the "you take my picture, I'll take yours" dance for everyone.

Again. . .one of the great highlights of my summer. Jules, thanks so much! We had such a wonderful time!!!


Blogger Steve said...

Down-home goodness. And fun. Congrats.

1:35 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

yes we want to see pictures. and yes...did you not know 9pm is the new midnight (Caroline in my kinda gal). Glad to hear all is well and you had a good time. I am intrigued...did you say zucchini choc chip cake???

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like y'all had a blast! Shrimp boils are fun... aren't they?

7:12 AM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Sounds like a great evening. I'm glad Mark is able to get out and about....and drive. The pictures are "C" in the pool for her midnight swim.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Jennilu said...

I'm jealous. Those shrimp boils are quite tasty. The only way to make them better is by having one at the beach. Oh well, the mountains are a close second to the beach.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angie, make sure you check out the youtube video about Christian the lion (and keep some tissues close at hand!)
It is all about getting back in touch with friends!

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I liked shooting the big kid."
----Drew Brock

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can't stop smilin' and wishing it lasted longer!"
~ me.

Had a blast girl...wish TN and MN were much closer together - our families click I say :-)

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never been to a shrimp boil, it sounds awesome.
This post had me laughing. What a fun time. :0

9:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Recipes from Angie's blog that I've tried:

Lemon Chicken- check
Zucchini Bread- check
Shrimp Boil...gonna haffta try it soon!

Glad y'all had so much fun!

9:27 PM  

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